Bible,  God,  Grace of God,  Jesus,  Salvation

God of the Bible vs Confusion

This is a very interesting exchange. The gentleman on the stage is speaking with the understanding that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God and that the God of the Bible is the ONLY true God in existence.

On the other hand, the young lady does not recognize the authenticity, reliability or authority of the Bible. Therefore, she speaks of “the Mormon god” vs “the Catholic god” vs “the Baptist god” etc. The truth of the matter is that God is who He is REGARDLESS of what ANY church institution has to say about Him. The picture is not imaginary gods of various denominations contradicting each other. Rather, it is the fact that the God of the Bible is the ONLY God in existence and it is every church’s and every denomination’s responsibility to know that God and teach the truth about Him. In the end, you have something that looks like a bar graph on how much each church lines up with the truth of the Bible. And there is a spectrum in the church world. That spectrum ranges between 0-100 and every church claiming to be Christian is somewhere on that spectrum. There are 100s on that spectrum and yes, there are some 0s too. If you were to ask a question to an Assembly of God church and then ask a Universalist church the same question, I guarantee you the answers would be so different, they would appear to contradict each other. This plays into the unbelievers concept that there is no truth about God, only opinions about a figment of their imaginations. It is a shame because God is real, His Bible is reliable truth about Him, us and our world and the problem lies in how various groups of people allow themselves to believe the truth or not.

The advice this gentleman gives the woman is excellent. Read your Bible and find out for yourself. Contrary to her view of the Bible, any modern day translation of the Bible will tell you the truth. The 21st century English Bible is complete and reliable. Arguments against the accuracy of the Bible because of errors and omissions are very misleading and a short lesson on manuscripts and translations would show you that.

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